Government and enterprise discussions, common development| Maruitai participated in Qingdao City Instrument Industry Seminar

Time:2023-06-27 Hit:

On June 25, Qingdao City Instrument Industry Seminar and Exchange Conference was held in the conference room on the second floor of Building 2, Laoshan Smart Industrial Park. The conference was sponsored by Xingsai Biology and co-sponsored by Qingdao Chuangsheng Instrument Industrial Park Co., Ltd. and Qingdao City Instrument Industry Association. Zheng Yi, member of CPPCC of Shandong Province and chief scientist of Qingdao Maruitai Technology Co., Ltd., and Dong Dasheng, R & D director, attended the meeting.


At the meeting, Ma Bo, Chairman of Xingsai Biology, Zhitao, President of Instrument Industry Association of Qingdao City and Chairman of Gaochuang Capital delivered speeches respectively. Sun Gaozuo, Vice President of Marine Science Research Institute of Shandong Province, delivered speeches. Special guests and representatives of governing units of the Association introduced their own development needs and development direction respectively.




Zheng Yi introduced the basic situation and enterprise vision of Maritech, and said that the conference provided an important communication and cooperation platform for the development of instrument industry in Qingdao City. As a start-up enterprise, Maruitaike Company will pay attention to technological innovation and talent cultivation, devote itself to solving the problem of "stuck neck"in the field of marine core instruments and high-end sensors, promote China's domestic marine instruments to "high precision"and contribute to the benign development of instrument industry in Qingdao City.


After the meeting, the guests visited Maritaike Company. Zheng Yi introduced the internally-developed products/in-house products of the company such as network position meter, wind speed and wind direction sensor and data service platform in detail for all guests.





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