Maritaike takes you directly to Qingdao International Marine Science and Technology Exhibition 2023 (8th), wonderful continuation!

Time:2023-09-26 Hit:



September 20 - 22,2023 (8th) Qingdao International Marine Science and Technology Exhibition is in full swing in Qingdao International Expo Center. Qingdao Maritech Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Hall E1 F21, let's take a look!

Maritaike participated in this marine science exhibition with wind speed and direction sensor XFC 2 - 2H, meteorological instrument, dissolved oxygen sensor and other products, showing the latest achievements in the field of marine and meteorological monitoring.


The wind speed and wind direction sensors displayed on the booth attracted the attention of many visitors. Wind speed and direction sensor has the characteristics of strong wind resistance, high data accuracy, corrosion resistance, low power consumption and strong compatibility, which can be widely used in meteorological observation, marine environment monitoring, meteorological stations, port machinery and other fields.


The three-day Haike Exhibition is still in progress. Welcome to Maritaike booth for communication and negotiation!

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201-5, Building 2, Laoshan Smart Industrial Park, 187-1 Zhuzhou Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

158 0638 6638

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