A quick look at the front| [Dazhong Daily] Create a New Bright Spot for Marine Economic Development

Time:2023-01-16 Hit:


Reporter: Chen Xiaowan

The ocean is a strategic location for high-quality development. Shandong is based on the sea and thrives because of the sea. In the past five years, Shandong's marine economic aggregate ranks second in China. The government work report focuses on "creating new bright spots for marine economic development" and makes arrangements to further clarify the development path of marine economy.

Scientific and technological innovation is the fundamental driving force for the high-quality development of marine economy. The report proposes to build a center for the transfer and transformation of marine scientific and technological achievements, which makes Zheng Yi, director of the Marine Technology Science Department of Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Province Academy of Sciences), shine. "Marine scientific and technological achievements and their transformation are important ways to promote the development of marine emerging industries and establish and improve modern marine industrial systems. In recent years, we have taken the lead in building high-level platforms such as Shandong Province Marine Monitoring Equipment Technology Innovation Center, vigorously promoted the transformation of marine scientific and technological achievements, transformed more than 60 related achievements by means of scientific and technological achievements as shares, and realized the localization of more than 10 kinds of marine instruments and equipment." Zheng Yi said.

How to make scientific research achievements better assist industrial development? Zheng Yi suggested coordinating the province's marine science and technology forces to carry out organized scientific research, jointly promoting key core technology research, and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, we will vigorously cultivate compound marine talents, continuously improve the working system and mechanism of sea-related talents, and rely on compound talents to fundamentally solve the development problems of emerging marine industries.

Offshore equipment is a complex of advanced manufacturing, information, new materials and other high-tech, representing an important direction of high-end equipment manufacturing. After years of development, Rongcheng has become an important production base for shipbuilding and offshore equipment industries in China, and a number of industry leaders such as Huanghai Shipbuilding have emerged. "The government's work report proposes to cultivate and strengthen high-end offshore equipment such as oil and gas development and new energy, and accelerate the development of high-tech ships, which has strengthened our confidence in vigorously developing the marine economy." Deputy Secretary of Rongcheng Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Zheng Yuewen said that the next step will be to fully integrate into the construction of green, low-carbon and high-quality development leading areas in the whole province as the main line, give full play to Rongcheng's advantages in ocean, port, nuclear power new energy, ecological environment and other aspects, and create more new bright spots for marine economic development.

On September 1 last year, the first batch of large yellow croaker fish cultivated by the world's first 100,000-ton intelligent fishery large-scale breeding ship "Guoxin No.1" was listed, providing the world with a "China solution" for far-reaching marine aquaculture. "The report mentioned that 'Guoxin No.1, Blue Whale No.2, Snow Wax Vehicle, etc. fill the domestic blank', which makes us very proud!" Representative Zhou Shengli, Deputy Operation Director of Large Group Operation Area of Hull Fabrication Engineering Department II of Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. of China Shipbuilding Group, introduced that in recent years, Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding's main construction type of large bulk carriers has maintained the world's leading share. The 5500-container ship started construction in 2022 plays an important role in connecting trade exchanges around the world. Zhou Shengli suggested establishing a talent incentive mechanism with wider coverage to attract high-tech talents to join the marine equipment and shipbuilding industries.

The report proposes to build a world-class port group in Shandong Peninsula, build the third phase of Qingdao Port Qianwan Port Automation Terminal and the second phase of Yantai Port West Port Area 300,000 tons crude oil terminal, and vigorously expand overseas routes of ports. Accelerate the integrated development of port area, park and Urban area. In response, Teng Houjun, Party Secretary and Director of Rizhao City Transportation Bureau, said: "The rapid and good development of the port is of great significance to further build a sea-land linkage, two-way open interface and shipping hub, and to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the marine economy."

In recent years, Rizhao Port has focused on building a world-class marine port and speeding up the construction of port and collection and distribution network system. Last year, it completed 570 million tons of port cargo throughput, ranking first in the country in terms of ore, coal, soybeans, timber and other cargo throughput. Teng Houjun said that the next step will be to implement the port expansion and port city integration development project, accelerate the construction of a smart green demonstration port for bulk dry bulk cargo, strive to complete the port cargo throughput of 580 million tons and 6 million standard containers this year, accelerate the construction of a "four vertical, four horizontal and three consecutive" expressway network and a "thirteen vertical and nine horizontal" urban trunk network, and promote the deep integration of port areas, parks and Urban area.

The above content is transferred from Dazhong Daily

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