[Qingdao Daily] Modern Ocean Talents in Qingdao City| Zheng Yi: Promote the localization of marine high-end monitoring equipment

Time:2024-05-22 Hit:

Researcher Zheng Yi:

Promote the localization of marine high-end monitoring equipment

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first. The existence and quality of marine monitoring equipment greatly affect whether the ocean can be deepened. Zheng Yi has long been engaged in scientific research, technology research and development and product development in the fields of marine acoustics, marine monitoring, marine information engineering, etc. In recent years, he has led the team to focus on the "neck jam" problem in the field of marine core instruments and high-end sensors, focusing on innovation, and promoting China's marine monitoring equipment towards "high precision" and localization.


Promote the high-end development of marine monitoring equipment and realize localization

Haiyi Institute is one of the earliest scientific research institutes established in China to engage in marine monitoring technology research and product development. For more than 60 years, it has formed a number of achievements in the field of marine monitoring equipment, which has promoted the development of China's marine cause. "However, it should also be noted that at present, the self-sufficiency rate of China's marine core sensors and high-end instruments is still relatively low, lacking similar products with an overall level exceeding that of foreign countries and leading the world." Deep-sea and high-precision marine instruments, equipment and sensors almost all rely on imports, and it is urgent to realize the autonomous control of marine monitoring equipment." Zheng Yi said.

Since he graduated from PhD in 2006 and worked in SEIS, Zheng Yi has led the team to deeply cultivate the research and development of marine monitoring equipment, break through the core key technologies of "VLF underwater target detection" series, and develop the "noise detection technology equipment" urgently needed by China, so that China has the ability to independently develop passive detection equipment for VLF and low noise targets, providing strong support for safeguarding China's marine rights and interests. Overcome the key technology of high reliability acoustic release set, research and development results "high reliability acoustic release set of key technologies""MFSK low frequency underwater acoustic communication machine key technology" at a price of 12 million yuan to increase Qingdao Tegefei Marine Equipment Co., Ltd., realizing the localization of marine acoustic release and low frequency underwater acoustic communication machine, breaking foreign monopoly and embargo, becoming the only domestic brand that can compete with foreign brands.

"In order to continuously promote the high-end development of marine monitoring equipment and realize localization, we have also compiled the Atlas of Marine Core Sensors and High-end Instruments, systematically sorted out the pain points in the development of 136 marine sensors and core instruments, and formulated detailed development paths." Zheng Yi said that they widely released the atlas in the field and called on researchers in all links to solve the technical problems of "neck clamping" from the source, which was widely recognized, responded and praised in the industry field.

Increase the localization rate of oceanographic instruments from 22% to 30%

At present, with the integration of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other new round of information technology into the field of marine instruments, the in-depth implementation of the "intelligent ocean" project, the development of marine instruments and equipment presents a trend of intelligence and informatization. The newly developed marine instruments and equipment in some developed countries have been modularized. Relatively speaking, China's marine technology and equipment have made great progress in recent years, but due to the characteristics of high R & D investment, long test cycle, high risk and great difficulty of marine equipment, most scientific research institutions in China mainly track and copy foreign existing products when developing marine equipment, and the original innovation ability is insufficient, which restricts the overall development of marine instruments and technology.

On the basis of previous work and under the team layout led by Zheng Yi, in recent years, Haiyi Institute has taken the lead in building the "China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization International Innovation Center for Marine Science and Technology". The center aims to build an international innovation center with global influence. With a market-oriented institutional mechanism, it has built a centralized ecosystem of "international cooperation, scientific research, education and industry" to create various resources covering "government, industry, research, finance and clothing", running through basic research, applied basic research, Full-chain, open-loop development ecology of common key technology research, achievement transformation and other links. "With the help of ecological power, there are currently 54 patented technologies and 26 proprietary technologies that have been converted into shares in Qingdao in the form of scientific and technological achievements, realizing the localization of more than 10 kinds of marine instruments and equipment such as marine acoustic emitters, underwater acoustic communication machines, series of marine ecological sensors, marine salinity sensors and atmospheric aerosol lidar, increasing the localization rate of oceanographic instruments from 22% to 30%. Qingdao's leading position in the field of marine information engineering has been further strengthened. A total of 9 scientific and technological innovation enterprises were registered and established, and 1 wholly-owned subsidiary was established, with a total registered capital of 194.57 million yuan and attracting cash investment of 63.07 million yuan." Zheng Yi said.

Marine instruments and equipment have the characteristics of high R & D investment, long test cycle, high risk and great difficulty. It is very challenging to successfully develop a mature marine instrument product and obtain recognition and application in the marine field. "However, the marine instrument and equipment industry belongs to a strategic emerging industry. Without the support of marine instrument and equipment, all marine economic categories will have no data to rely on." Zheng Yi said that in the future, he will lead the team to take "marine core sensors and high-end instrument atlas" as the starting point, sink his heart into the field of marine high-end monitoring equipment, and explore the use of new materials, new principles, intelligent sensing and sensing network technologies to promote the production of miniaturized, intelligent and highly reliable new sensing technologies. Integrating intelligent control and artificial intelligence and other technologies, it realizes the functions of independent data acquisition, tracking and control, fault repair, fusion monitoring data, etc. of marine instruments, and constantly solves the problem that marine instruments and equipment widely rely on imports. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News Reporter Li Xunxiang/Wen Hanxing/Video)

Source: Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News

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